Residency Visa

Read more about the article UAE Labor Law Guide : Termination and Resignation in Limited Contracts
UAE Labor Law Termination and Resignation in Limited Contracts

UAE Labor Law Guide : Termination and Resignation in Limited Contracts

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has witnessed remarkable growth and development over the years, attracting a diverse workforce from across the globe. To regulate employment relationships and ensure the welfare…

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Read more about the article Why you need best business setup consultants in dubai UAE?
why you need a best business setup consultants in Dubai for your new company formationhy you need a best business setup consultants in Dubai for your new company formation

Why you need best business setup consultants in dubai UAE?

Business consulting services in Dubai are professional services provided by consultants to help companies and organizations improve their operations, increase efficiency, and achieve their goals. The services can range from strategy development, market analysis, process improvement, organizational design, and financial management, among others. Business consultants in Dubai bring a fresh perspective, extensive knowledge, and expertise to help businesses make informed decisions, solve complex problems, and reach their full potential.

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Read more about the article All About Dubai Freelance Visa
All About Dubai Freelance Visa

All About Dubai Freelance Visa

Dubai freelance visa is a type of visa that is issued to freelancers working in the UAE. As per the Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM), a freelancer is an individual who provides services or expertise to clients on a contractual basis. Freelancers can work online or offline and can earn money by selling their skills, knowledge, and experience.

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Read more about the article UAE Golden Visa Requirements
UAE Golden Visa Requirements

UAE Golden Visa Requirements

UAE Golden Visas are the newest visa program in the region that allows investors to get their long term residence in the United Arab Emirates. The UAE has been offering these visas since 2017 and has already issued over 7,000 of them. The program is based on a strict set of conditions that must be met by applicants in order to receive a residence permit for residents. The Golden Visa is valid for 10 years and grants holders the right to reside in the UAE, as well as access to free education for their children, free healthcare and free business support.

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