Commercial Contracts

Read more about the article Transferring Shares in Private Limited Companies:Dubai Guide
Transferring Shares in Private Limited CompaniesDubai Guide

Transferring Shares in Private Limited Companies:Dubai Guide

Transferring shares in private limited companies is a crucial aspect of corporate transactions and ownership restructuring. In this comprehensive Dubai guide, we will delve into the intricacies of share transfers, exploring the procedure, restrictions, benefits, risks, and legal considerations associated with transferring shares in private limited companies. Whether you are a shareholder, director, or investor, this guide aims to provide you with the necessary knowledge to navigate the share transfer process in Dubai effectively.

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Read more about the article Need Of A Lawyer For Witness Signature Attestation In Dubai
Need Of A Lawyer For Witness Signature Attestation In Dubai

Need Of A Lawyer For Witness Signature Attestation In Dubai

Legal documents play a crucial role in any country's judicial system. They serve as the foundation for various legal proceedings and transactions. The validity of these legal documents relies heavily on the signatures affixed to them. A signature attestation is a process that verifies the authenticity of a signature on a legal document. In Dubai, a lawyer's assistance is needed to attest the signature of a witness on legal documents. This blog explores the reasons why a lawyer is required for witness signature attestation in Dubai.

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Read more about the article How Real Estate Lawyers in Dubai Can Protect Your Investment?
How Real Estate Lawyers in Dubai Can Protect Your Investment

How Real Estate Lawyers in Dubai Can Protect Your Investment?

When investing in real estate in Dubai, it is essential to understand the complexities of the real estate market and the legal framework that governs it. While buying a property in Dubai can be a lucrative investment opportunity, it is also fraught with potential risks and legal challenges. Therefore, it is essential to hire a real estate lawyer in Dubai to protect your investment and ensure that your property transaction is legally sound. In this blog post, we will discuss five ways a real estate lawyer in Dubai can protect your investment.

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Read more about the article How to Spot and Stop Misuse or Abuse of Power of Attorney in Dubai?
How to Spot and Stop Misuse or Abuse of Power of Attorney in Dubai

How to Spot and Stop Misuse or Abuse of Power of Attorney in Dubai?

A power of attorney is a legal document that grants authority to someone to act on behalf of another person. In the UAE, a power of attorney is commonly used for a variety of purposes, such as managing finances or property, making medical decisions, or conducting business transactions. However, misuse or abuse of power of attorney can occur, which can cause significant harm to the principal

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Read more about the article Why you need best business setup consultants in dubai UAE?
why you need a best business setup consultants in Dubai for your new company formationhy you need a best business setup consultants in Dubai for your new company formation

Why you need best business setup consultants in dubai UAE?

Business consulting services in Dubai are professional services provided by consultants to help companies and organizations improve their operations, increase efficiency, and achieve their goals. The services can range from strategy development, market analysis, process improvement, organizational design, and financial management, among others. Business consultants in Dubai bring a fresh perspective, extensive knowledge, and expertise to help businesses make informed decisions, solve complex problems, and reach their full potential.

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Read more about the article What is a Memorandum of Association contract?
What is a Memorandum of Association contract

What is a Memorandum of Association contract?

A Memorandum of Association is a binding contract signed by all the founders of the company. The Memorandum of Association specifies the rules and laws governing the company. Within this document, there is usually a clause that states that in the case where there is a disagreement between the founding members it should be referred to an arbiter for mediation/arbitration.

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