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Crypto License In Dubai

How to get Crypto License in Dubai?

You can open a crypto license in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and in certain free zones with limited access, UAE is working on the crypto legislation, however, ADGM being a financial free zone is the only exclusive authority that regulates the complete spectrum of activities, while other non-financial free zones are still waiting for the crypto legislation and hence offer with limited activities.

Under the limited rules and regulations, the following are some of the options:

Cost of crypto license in UAE :

1.  ADGM – Crypto License:

Abu Dhabi Global Markets is a regulated financial free zone of the UAE capital Abu Dhabi. It has established crypto asset activities regulations back in 2018. At the moment it offers a whole range of business activities related to crypto assets:

  1. Crypto exchange license
  2. Crypto asset custodian
  3. Buying, selling, and exercising any right in accepted crypto assets
  4. Managing other person’s crypto assets
  5. Providing custody of crypto assets and making arrangements with a view to another person
  6. Marketing of crypto assets

Estimated License cost: AED 200,000/- subject to space availability in the office tower.

2. DMCC – Crypto, NFT, and Metaverse license:

DMCC is not a regulated financial-free zone, but it is still a pioneer in providing crypto licenses in Dubai. Currently, DMCC offers the following types of crypto-related business setups:

  1. Distributed ledger technology services
  2. Proprietary trading in crypto commodities
  3. NFTs E-marketplace provider
  4. Metaverse services provider

Estimated Licence cost: AED 52,000/-

3. DWTC, DAFZA & IFZA free zone Crypto Licence:

These Freezone are other non-financial Free zones, the activities being offered are:

  1. Proprietary trading in crypto-commodities
  2. Distributed ledger technology
  3. NFTs E-marketplace provider
  4. Metaverse services provider

Estimated Licence cost: AED 20,000- 35,000/-

Why Choose Us:

Our team of experts at Legal House will help you in getting a crypto license in UAE. We have the experience of helping many people to get their crypto licenses. Our team of experts will guide you through the whole process and help you get the license easily.


Are cryptocurrencies legal in the United Arab Emirates?

  • Yes, cryptocurrency is legal in the UAE.
    In fact, the UAE has been a leader in this area and has been recognized by the World Economic Forum as one of the top ten countries for blockchain adoption. The UAE has also been called a “global trailblazer” in regard to blockchain technology.

How can I set up a cryptocurrency company in Dubai?

  • The first step to setting up a cryptocurrency company in Dubai is to register your business. You will need to obtain your company’s license and conduct a number of other procedures, including registering with the Ministry of Finance, paying fees and taxes, and obtaining approval from the Central Bank of UAE. All of these steps are outlined by the UAE’s Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA).
    Once you have registered your business, you can start trading cryptocurrencies on the market. There are a number of different ways to trade cryptocurrency in Dubai:
    -You can buy or sell bitcoins directly from another person or company
    -You can use an exchange platform to buy or sell bitcoins at a set price
    -You can use an online trading platform like Coinbase or LocalBitcoins

How can you invest in cryptocurrency?

UAE residents can buy and sell cryptocurrency from cryptocurrency brokers in the UAE. To do business with crypto, you need a license from the UAE’s financial regulators.

How secure is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, are growing in popularity and value. However, most people don’t realize how safe they are.
The first thing that people are concerned about is whether or not it’s safe to keep their cryptocurrency on an exchange. If you do choose to store your coins on an exchange, make sure you keep them in a secure wallet or have a backup plan in case something happens to the exchange itself.

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